Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Great Piece/Peace Falls

I have just finished the hand-quilting of #12 ('Aerial Views') in this long series of free-pieced quilts that still lack some comforting/comfortable name.  And, after I folded it up and put it on the couch till morning when I will do the binding, I felt a great peace come to the fingers of both my hands.  They felt as free and easy and flexible and graceful as the hands of a 10-year-old, which they don't usually feel and which they definitely are not.  So it is some kind of sign.

The piecing of number 13 is near done, but maybe 4-5 days before it is ready to be quilted, so there will be some resting for the fingers.  What a nice feeling.

Here is number 13, whose name will be 'Nara'.  It has a final outside 'surround,' which one might call a border, but i don't.  it will be mostly dark with some blue in the upper left and lower right edges.

1 comment:

  1. Although this piece is interesting as it is I can't get over how lively it became with the addition of the nonborder. I always find it challenging to know when to stop working on a piece or when it needs something more and I think this is a great example of how a piece can change it's entire feel by the addition of "something".
