Sunday, June 27, 2010

More from Fibre Works

Another view of the painted block quilt and a painted board with a interesting and amusing message.

Another shot of the painted blocks quilt showing the pieced block.

More from our day at Fibre Works Studio and Gallery. This is not pieced with exception of one or two blocks. The "blocks" are painted on a whole cloth. Cool!

This photo has gently (very) curved lines. I removed the yellow horizon line to eliminate some angle. The figures are just tissue paper to show where the children would sit. Let me know if this is an improvement or not. Ann

Canada Day wallhanging

This is my untitled piece for the Sew Easy Canada Day contest. It had to be Red, White and one other colour but not blue.

I like my concept but not very happy with my quilting - guess I have been away from the machine too long.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

This was Leslie's favorite quilt and just about burned a hole in her credit card but she resisted and only wimpered a little on the way home. It is gorgeous!

Leslie, Laura and I went to the Fibre Works Studio and Gallery in Pender Harbour to see the Kemshall and Nicholls show. I apologize that the attached photos are mostly out of focus. (The focus on my camera is misbehaving badly.) But hopefully good enough for you to get an idea of what this amazing show is like. This first quilt is of the artists grandmother and her dancing shoes. It is a whole cloth quilt. The left hand side that appears pieced is also painted. The quilting is amazing!

Monday, June 21, 2010

And another close up

And this is a close up of one of the commission pieces.

These are some of the pieces I have done for a commission. They are 12"X12" stretched canvas. They are done using the same technique of machine piecing, applique and quilting then painting over it all, and then cutting it all up that I have used on other recent pieces. I've added beach glass, rocks, shells, and copper wire to complete the pieces. The 2 pieces on the right are using the same technique but put together in a more "quilterly"manner.